UDA Error Messages (C)
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
- Call to undefined function: odbc_connect()
- Call to unsupported or undefined function odbc_connect()
- Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket...
- Can't find oplite_hlp.txt
- Can't Obtain Connection Handle
- Can't read "lupper": no such variable
- Can't serialize access for this transaction
- Cannot allocate hEnv
- Cannot attach to shared memory (529)
- Cannot bind to socket (Address already in use)
- cannot create internal connection: RPC: Remote system error - Connection timed out
- Cannot get name of current working directory. (-922)
- Cannot insert the value NULL into column <column_name>, table <table_name>; column does not allow nulls.
- Cannot link OpenServer object into Intel iABI target
- Cannot load module libc.a(shr.0)
- Cannot load module libc.a(shr.0) ... A file or directory in the path name does not exist
- Cannot load module libiodbc.a (libiodbc.so.2)
- Cannot load selected driver
- Cannot open or remove a file containing a running program
- Cannot reach repository database
- Cannot run trig1 for FIND, DELETE, or CREATE trigger. (-3248)
- Cannot support multiple connections over shared memory (-27000)
- Cannot use database commands in a explicit database connection
- Catalog tables could not be created and are not available for use
- Catastrophic failure
- cc: not found
- "certificates" isn't an array
- Check II_MSGDIR and II_LANGUAGE logical variables.
- Client access is restricted by license
- Client host or user <username@machinename.domainname> is not trusted by the server (-956).
- Column <column_name> cannot be found or is not specified for query. (13865)
- Column <column_name> in table <table_name> has value exceeding its max length or precision.
- Column <column_name> not in any table in current scope
- Column type out of range
- com.ms.SecurityExceptionEx: openlink/jdbc/OPLRPCClient.ClientConnect: cannot connect to...
- Communication link failure, SQL state 08S01 in SQLAllocStmt
- Connect failed
- Connection does not exist. -1803
- Connection failed: java.net.UnknownHostException: ODBC
- Connection in use
- Connection is busy with results for another hstmt.
- Connection not open
- Connection Rejected by Datasource
- Corrupt input. Use zcat to recover some data.
- Couldn't load driver DLL: C:\Program Files\openlink\Lite32\nlll3p90b.dll
- Could not connect to remote socket
- Could not connect to server for database <database_name>, errno 0. (1432)
- Could not connect to the server
- Could not determine ODBC dll name will use OPLODB32.dll
- Could Not Find ODBC Configuration Manager Shared Library
- Could not find PWP parameter, SQL state 08001 in SQLConnect
- Could not find symbol SQLAllocConnect in dynamic library
- Could not get the column information from the OLE DB provider
- Could not load library libpthreads.a shr_comm.o
- Could Not Load Translator or Setup Library
- Could not open temporary file for keyset cache
- Could not position within a table #243
- Could not process object <object_name>. The OLE DB provider MSDASQL indicates that the object has no columns. (7357)
- Could Not Recognize Argument: -umsep
- Could not recognize argument: <argument_name>. (301)
- Could not set semaphore value (Result too large)
- Count without distinct
- CRW32 caused an invalid page fault in NLL3P8XXX.dll at ....
- Cursor name starting with CURSOR (-32000)
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