Error Messages (C)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Cannot get name of current working directory. (-922)

Do you encounter this error in conjunction with Multi-Tier testing?:

 [informix server] cannot get name of current working directory.
(-922[SQLSTATE s1000])

If so, try this:

1. cd throughout all of his Openlink and Informix directories to see if permissions problems exist.

2. Modify the Session Rules Book and pass the Informix directory and the OpenLink /bin directory to the generic agent section's Directory

parameter. Restart your OpenLink Request Broker to initialize any changes.

3. Make sure any user making authorized updates has been granted permission to do so by issuing the relevant GRANT commands as the Informix dba.

4. Relink your Informix database agent.

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