Error Messages (C)
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
Cannot load module libc.a(shr.0) ... A file or directory in the path name does not exist
"Libc.a" errors occur when environment variables are not set.
These errors also occur when
find / -name libc.a -print
If the file exists, take the following action:
cd to the root directory of your machine's
2. vi the (Korn, Bourne, Bash) or openlink.csh (C shell) file.
3. Pass the path to libc.a to PATH.
4. Pass the path to libc.a to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, SHLIB_PATH, and LIBPATH.
5. Save your changes and exit or openlink.csh.
6. Run one of the following commands:
. ./ | Korn, Bourne, or Bash shells |
source ./openlink.csh | C shells |
7. Test.
If the file does not exist, contact
Name of .taz files
Output of set
uname -a
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