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  • UdaWikiWeb.CursorNameStartingWithCURSOR(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 14:59:50 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 14:59:50

    Error Messages (C)

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

    Cursor name starting with 'CURSOR' (-32000)

    "Cursor name starting with 'CURSOR' (-32000)" is an Ingres II error. It is associated with an internal name conflict, which occured when an application issued a SQLSetCursorName() call to set a cursor name. "CURSOR.2" was generated, and the error occured. While CURSOR.2 is a valid Ingres 6.4 cursor name, Ingres II does not accept this naming convention.

    Finally, this exceedingly rare error was addressed with a patch to a 3.2 Ingres II agent on VMS. This patch disabled SQLSetCursorName() at the database agent level. If you experience this problem, be sure to contact OpenLink Product Support to see if such a patch is available for you.


    Database Agent Version String (All Platforms)
    DBMS Version
    ODBC Client Trace

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