UDA Error Messages (O)
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
- ODBC - call failed
- ODBC Loaded
- ODBC Unloaded
- OLE DB provider MSDASQL supplied inconsistent metadata. An extra column was...
- Only SELECT statements are allowed during a read-only connection
- OpenLink Communications Line Broken
- Operation must use an updateable query
- Operation Not Supported on Sockets (Internal RPC Call Failed)
- Operation Not Supported on Transport Endpoint
- Operating system error 0 (OpenClient)
- Operating system error 1
- OPLCFG32 caused an invalid page fault
- oplrqb has no registration information
- oplrqb: unable to find the configuration file
- Option value changed
- ORA-28546: connection initialization failed, probable Net8 admin error
- ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
- Oracle Not Available
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