UDA Error Messages (S)
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
s_alloc: out of memory
s_temp.p was not found
saOLserver.exe - Entry Point Not Found
Segmentation Fault
Serialization Failure
Server can not launch gateway on server. Broken pipe.
Server did not respond[SQLSTATE:k0k130Progress Open SQL network interface]
Server has -Mm parm 4096 and client has 1024. They must match. (1150)
Server is unavailable or does not exist. (20009)
Server/Workstation requirements not licensed
Server SYBASE not found!
Server's received count 1 does not equal client(1)'s send count
Service Error, Please check services and hosts files
Shared memory access permission denied (1136)
Shared memory realm does not exist
Shared object not open
Shared variable global user_lang_dir has not yet been created.
Signal 1
Signal 2
Signal 3
Signal 4
Signal 5
Signal 6
Signal 7
Signal 8
Signal 9
Signal 10
Signal 11
Signal 12
Signal 13
Signal 14
Signal 15
Signal 16
Signal 17
Signal 18
Software Compromised
SOLID Communication Error 21318: Operation Failed Because of an Unusual Upipe Return Code 2
Some of the character could not be converted to a backward compatible format. (ID=-8757)
Specified driver could not be loaded
Specified driver could not be loaded due to system error 126
Specified table Msysconf not found
SQL Server is unavailable or does not exist (20009)
SQLINTEGER undeclared
Stack Overflow
stget: out of storage. (1450)
Sybase 32Bit Networking Does Not Appear to be Installed Correctly
Symbol <symbol> was referenced from module <library-name>, but a runtime definition of the symbol was not found.
Syntax error in map file at line 1
Syntax error or access
System error 126
System error 182
Referenced by...