UDA Error Messages (I)
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
Identifier too long -- maximum length is 18 (-253)
Implicit connection not allowed after an explicit connection. (-1811)
Incompatible data types in expression or assignment
Incompatible JDBC client version
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AND'.
Information type out of range
inifile: not found
Instruction at <x> referenced memory at <y>. The memory could not be written.
Insufficient base table information for updating or refreshing
Insufficient system/server resources to complete the current query. (-39100)
Internal RPC call failed (Bad file descriptor)
internal rpc call failed (I/O error)
Internal rpc call failed (Interrupted system call): RPC: Timed out
Internal rpc call failed (Interrupted system call): RPC: Unable to receive; errno
Internal RPC call failed (Permission denied)
Invalid access to memory location
Invalid address to attach the shared memory segment
Invalid user name [SQLSTATE:285890Invalid Auth Specs]
Invalid character(s) in the database name
Invalid column name: field@1
Invalid configuration parameter. #,#,# Alias: <dsn> #,#,#
Invalid cursor position
Invalid date input
Invalid Descriptor Index (0)
errors and the Multi-Tier DSNDeferLongFetch setting for Microsoft SQL Server
Invalid ELF header
Invalid environment
Invalid file link
Invalid keyset size
Invalid host name in connect string
Invalid Object Name
Invalid packet length
Invalid relocation type 3 at <location>
Invalid string or buffer length
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