Error Messages (U)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Unable to contact the request broker on localhost

The OpenLink oplshut utility returns "Unable to contact" errors, when it cannot locate the Request Broker. If you experience "Unable to contact" errors, take the following action:

1. Use a text editor to open your OpenLink Session Rules Book (oplrqb.ini). You will find the Rules Book in the /bin sub-directory of your OpenLink server components installation.

2. Locate the [Security] section. For example:

StartupBy = .*
ShutdownBy = .*
ShutdownFrom = localhost.*,
ValidUidRange = 0, 50000
;TraceRulebook = debug.bk
;IncludeRulebook= samplesv.bk

3. Set ShutdownFrom to .* . For example:

ShutdownFrom = .*

4. Save your changes and exit the file.

5. Test oplshut.

If the problem persists, take the following action:

1. Use a text editor to open your Session Rules Book (oplrqb.ini).

2. Locate [Protocol TCP]. For example:

[Protocol TCP]
PingWatchdog = No
PingInterval = 600
;IPAddress =
PortLow = 5000
;PortHigh = 60000
Listen = 5000

3. Record the value passed to Listen. For example:

Listen = 5000

4. Close your Rules Book.

5. Open an MS-DOS command prompt.

6. cd into the /bin sub-directory of your OpenLink installation.

7. Use the +port option to pass the Listen port to your Broker. For example:

oplshut +port 5000


netstat -a
Session Rules Book

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