%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ErrorMessagesU"}% ==Error Messages (U)== [[UDAErrorMessages|A]] [[ErrorMessagesB|B]] [[ErrorMessagesC|C]] [[ErrorMessagesD|D]] [[ErrorMessagesE|E]] [[ErrorMessagesF|F]] [[ErrorMessagesG|G]] [[ErrorMessagesH|H]] [[ErrorMessagesI|I]] [[ErrorMessagesJ|J]] [[ErrorMessagesK|K]] [[ErrorMessagesL|L]] [[ErrorMessagesM|M]] [[ErrorMessagesN|N]] [[ErrorMessagesO|O]] [[ErrorMessagesP|P]] [[ErrorMessagesQ|Q]] [[ErrorMessagesR|R]] [[ErrorMessagesS|S]] [[ErrorMessagesT|T]] [[ErrorMessagesU|U]] [[ErrorMessagesV|V]] [[ErrorMessagesW|W]] [[ErrorMessagesX|X]] [[ErrorMessagesY|Y]] [[ErrorMessagesZ|Z]] [[ErrorMessagesSymbols|#]] ===Unable to contact the request broker on localhost=== The OpenLink oplshut utility returns "Unable to contact" errors, when it cannot locate the Request Broker. If you experience "Unable to contact" errors, take the following action: 1. Use a text editor to open your OpenLink Session Rules Book (oplrqb.ini). You will find the Rules Book in the /bin sub-directory of your OpenLink server components installation. 2. Locate the [Security] section. For example: {{{ [Security] StartupBy = .* ShutdownBy = .* ShutdownFrom = localhost.*, ValidUidRange = 0, 50000 ;TraceRulebook = debug.bk ;IncludeRulebook= samplesv.bk }}} 3. Set ShutdownFrom to .* . For example: {{{ ShutdownFrom = .* }}} 4. Save your changes and exit the file. 5. Test oplshut. If the problem persists, take the following action: 1. Use a text editor to open your Session Rules Book (oplrqb.ini). 2. Locate [Protocol TCP]. For example: {{{ [Protocol TCP] PingWatchdog = No PingInterval = 600 ;IPAddress = PortLow = 5000 ;PortHigh = 60000 Listen = 5000 }}} 3. Record the value passed to Listen. For example: {{{ Listen = 5000 }}} 4. Close your Rules Book. 5. Open an MS-DOS command prompt. 6. cd into the /bin sub-directory of your OpenLink installation. 7. Use the +port option to pass the Listen port to your Broker. For example: {{{ oplshut +port 5000 }}} ===Evidence=== netstat -a Session Rules Book