Error Messages (W)
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
Warning: Wrong Parameter count for odbc_connect() in /path/to/file
If you receive "Wrong parameter count errors", review the values which you pass to odbc_connect().
This function expects the following syntax:
int odbc_connect (string dsn, string user, string password [, int cursor_type])
In practical use, the odbc_connect() line may take the following form:
odbc_connect('DSN', 'uid', 'password');
For example:
odbc_connect('My_Oracle_DSN', 'scott', 'tiger');
If you are certain that you have provided the appropriate number of values, insure that your values are not proceeded with DSN=, UID=, or PWD=.
For instance:
odbc_connect('DSN=My_Oracle_DSN', 'UID=scott', 'PWD=tiger'); Incorrect odbc_connect('My_Oracle_DSN', 'scott', 'tiger'); Correct
While some PHP configurations may recognize this syntax, it may cause problems with others.
Code Sample
Request Broker Version String
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