Error Messages (U)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Unable to retrieve information from judbc_client

If you receive "unable to retrieve information" errors, take the following action:

1. Use a text editor to open the oplrqb.ini file which resides in the /bin sub-directory of your OpenLink server components installation.

2. Locate the [Mapping Rules] section. For example:

[Mapping Rules]
;*:*:blank:*:*:*:rw = reject You should specify a username and password
*:*:Admin:msdos:*:jet:* = reject Admin user account is not registered
jodbc:*:*:java:*:*:* = accept jodbc_client
judbc:*:*:java:*:*:* = accept judbc_client
jdbc:*:*:java:*:*:* = accept jdbc_client
*:*:*:java:*:*:* = accept judbc_client

3. Locate the following rule:

*:*:*:java:*:*:* = accept judbc_client

4. Place a semicolon in front of the rule:

;*:*:*:java:*:*:* = accept judbc_client

5. Save your changes and exit the file.

6. Restart or reinitialize your OpenLink Request Broker.

7. Test.


Session Rules Book
Request Broker Log
Request Broker Version String

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