Error Messages (M)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Microsoft Access can't open the table in Datasheet view

The "Datasheet view" error is caused by a variety of factors. Please review the following:

1. Are you querying a Progress database? If you are querying Progress, please implement tableview.

2. Are you querying Informix? If you are querying Informix, take the following action:

a) Use a text editor to open the oplrqb.ini file. This file appears in the /bin sub-directory of your OpenLink server components installation.

b) Locate the [Environment INFORMIX] section which corresponds to your OpenLink agent. For example:

[Environment INFORMIX73]
INFORMIXDIR   = /dbs/informix/32bit/7.3
;DELIMIDENT   = Y; Allow quoted identifiers

c) Remove the semicolon (;) from DELIMIDENT and set it to Y. For example:


d) Save your changes and exit the file.

e) Restart or reinitialize your Request Broker.

3. Do you have an older Driver Manager? In order to determine your Driver Manager version, take the following action:

a) Open your ODBC Data Sources Administrator. (Control Panel)

b) Click on the "About" tab.

c) Locate the Driver Manager in the list box.

d) If your Driver Manager version is less than 3.510.4202.0, download the latest, appropriate MDAC components from the following site:

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