Error Messages (L)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Licence file oledb_lt.lic was not found for this product

OpenLink's OLE DB Providers are separately licensed. If you encounter "Licence file oledb_lt.lic was not found for this product" errors, take the following action:

1. Ensure that you have a demo or commercial OLE DB license.

2. Ensure that the license has been ftp'd in binary, where appropriate. Use of ASCII ftp corrupts license files.

3. Ensure that the license resides in the same directory as the OLE DB provider.

4. Ensure that the directory is passed to the System and User PATHs.

Finally, if the problem persists, contact OpenLink Product Support. You may have received a license from a corrupt license generator.

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