Error Messages (E)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Exceeded maximum number of agent processes

If you receive "Exceeded maximum number of agent processes" error, take the following action:

1. Access the machine which hosts your OpenLink server components installation.

2. Use a text editor to open the oplrqb.ini file which resides in the /bin sub-directory of the OpenLink installation.

3. Locate the [Request Broker] section. For example:

[Request Broker]
BinaryDirectory = d:\openlink\mt40\bin
CommandLine =
Protocols = tcp
MaxAgents = 25
MaxConnections = 0
HostNameResolver = Yes
LingerTimeout = 0

4. Locate the MaxAgents parameter. For example:

MaxAgents = 25

5. If you do not need a limit, use a semicolon to comment the parameter. For example:

;MaxAgents = 25

6. If you need to set the lime, raise the value which is currently passed to MaxAgents. For example:

MaxAgents = 50

7. Save your changes and exit the file.

8. Restart or reinitialize your OpenLink Request Broker.

9. Test.


Session Rules Book
Request Broker Log

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