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  • UdaWikiWeb.BadSwapBlock(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 14:59:40 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 14:59:40

    Error Messages (M)

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

    MM- Bad swap block (7707)

    The SQL-92 sql server process needed to use SQL temp tables while executing a query or command. Temp tables are used for aggregation, sorting, update statistics usage, etc. The sql server needed to write a disk block for some temp table but failed in the IO. Among the possible reasons are:

    • Disk space not available in chosen work directory. Chosen work directory is $WRKDIR if defined, else server's working directory at startup.
    • IO failure on disk.

    Multi-Tier users can rectify this probelm by takind the following action:

    1. Login to the machine that contains the OpenLink server components.
    2. Use a text editor to open the oplrqb.ini file that resides in the bin sub-directory of the OpeNLink installation.
    3. Locate the [generic] section that corresponds to your OpenLink database agent; e.g., [generic_prs91].
    4. Locate the Directory parameter.
    5. Pass a new temp directory to this parameter.
    6. Save these changes and exit oplrqb.ini.
    7. Restart or reinitialize (opslhut +reinit) the Request Broker service.

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