Pre-Requisites for Connections to Informix
Basic DBMS & DBMS Version Support
- Do OpenLink drivers connect to Informix?
- Informix version support
- Detecting the Informix DBMS version
Database Native Client Requirements
- Understanding the Informix native client
- When do I need the Informix native client?
- Obtain the Informix native client (also known as "Informix Connect", "Informix-Net", and "I-Net")
- Configure the Informix native client
Key Database Native Variables (Set Before OpenLink Install)
Database Native Settings You Need to Know
- Identify the Informix instance name
- Identify the Informix startup mode (i.e., sockets or shared memory)
- Identify the Informix tcp service name
- Identify the Informix tcp port number
- Identify the Informix database server hostname or IP address
- Identify the Informix database name
Database Configuration for Unicode
Database Configuration for XA Support
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