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  • UdaWikiWeb.UnableToPerformAShutdown(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:01:30 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:01:30

    Error Message: Unable to perform a shutdown (You are not authorized to initiate shutdown)

    Take the following action to rectify this problem.

    1. Open your server's oplrqb.ini file in a text editor (vi, emacs, TextEdit.app, BBEdit.app, Notepad.exe, Wordpad.exe, etc.).
    2. Locate the [Request Broker] section.
    3. Locate the HostNameResolver parameter.
    4. Ensure that there are no semicolons in front of HostNameResolver.
    5. Set HostNameResolver=No to match exclusively by IP address. If HostNameResolver=Yes, DNS lookups will be used, but these may simply echo the IP address, or any of several hostnsmes (e.g., arthur, arthur.example.com,, others).

      [Request Broker] BinaryDirectory = c:\openlink\openlink software\uda\multi-tier\v5.0\bin CommandLine = -dv Protocols = tcp ;MaxAgents = 0 ;MaxConnections = 0 HostNameResolver = No

    6. Locate the [Security] section.
    7. Ensure that both ShutdownBy and ShutdownFrom are set, and that there are no leading semicolons (";") or hashes ("#") on these lines.
    8. Ensure that the user issuing the shutdown command (e.g., george) is included in the ShutdownBy value. Ensure that the IP address and all likely DNS lookup results for the machine they're using (e.g., arthur, arthur.example.com,, are included in the ShutdownFrom value. Note that regex is active on these values, so you must escape the dot-separators in IP addresses and host names; you may need to escape other characters, depending on your host- and user-names.
      • In this example, users root and george can issue Startup and Shutdown commands, from the Broker host itself, or from the listed remote host --

        [Security] StartupBy = root, george ShutdownBy = root, george ShutdownFrom = arthur, arthur\.example\.com, 192\.168\.123\.234, localhost, 127\.0\.0\.1

      • You may wish to test with these set to wildcard values, but note that this is a potential security issue which can open a Denial Of Service vulnerability, especially in the ShutdownFrom setting.

        [Security] StartupBy = *, .* ShutdownBy = *, .* ShutdownFrom = *, .*

    9. Save your changes.
    10. Force-quit the Request Broker, using the Process Manager on Windows, kill command on Unix, or similar techniques. Confirm that the process has been terminated before proceeding.
    11. Launch your Request Broker.
    12. Test a friendly Broker shutdown, using oplshut, the Services control panel on Windows, etc.


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