%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ErrorMessagesU"}% = Error Message: {{{Unable to perform a shutdown (You are not authorized to initiate shutdown)}}} = Take the following action to rectify this problem. # Open your server's {{{oplrqb.ini}}} file in a text editor (vi, emacs, TextEdit.app, BBEdit.app, Notepad.exe, Wordpad.exe, etc.). # Locate the {{{[Request Broker]}}} section. # Locate the {{{HostNameResolver}}} parameter. # Ensure that there are no semicolons in front of {{{HostNameResolver}}}. # Set {{{HostNameResolver=No}}} to match exclusively by IP address. If {{{HostNameResolver=Yes}}}, DNS lookups will be used, but these may simply echo the IP address, or any of several hostnsmes (e.g., {{{arthur}}}, {{{arthur.example.com}}}, {{{}}}, others). {{{ [Request Broker] BinaryDirectory = c:\openlink\openlink software\uda\multi-tier\v5.0\bin CommandLine = -dv Protocols = tcp ;MaxAgents = 0 ;MaxConnections = 0 HostNameResolver = No }}} # Locate the {{{[Security]}}} section. # Ensure that both {{{ShutdownBy}}} and {{{ShutdownFrom}}} are set, and that there are no leading semicolons ("{{{;}}}") or hashes ("{{{#}}}") on these lines. # Ensure that the user issuing the shutdown command (e.g., {{{george}}}) is included in the {{{ShutdownBy}}} value. Ensure that the IP address and all likely DNS lookup results for the machine they're using (e.g., {{{arthur}}}, {{{arthur.example.com}}}, {{{}}}), are included in the {{{ShutdownFrom}}} value. Note that regex is active on these values, so you must escape the dot-separators in IP addresses and host names; you may need to escape other characters, depending on your host- and user-names. #* In this example, users {{{root}}} and {{{george}}} can issue Startup and Shutdown commands, from the Broker host itself, or from the listed remote host -- {{{ [Security] StartupBy = root, george ShutdownBy = root, george ShutdownFrom = arthur, arthur\.example\.com, 192\.168\.123\.234, localhost, 127\.0\.0\.1 }}} #* You may wish to test with these set to wildcard values, but note that this is a potential security issue which can open a Denial Of Service vulnerability, especially in the {{{ShutdownFrom}}} setting. {{{ [Security] StartupBy = *, .* ShutdownBy = *, .* ShutdownFrom = *, .* }}} # Save your changes. # Force-quit the Request Broker, using the Process Manager on Windows, {{{kill}}} command on Unix, or similar techniques. Confirm that the process has been terminated before proceeding. # Launch your Request Broker. # Test a friendly Broker shutdown, using {{{oplshut}}}, the Services control panel on Windows, etc. == Evidence == * Session Rulebook