Error Message: Table XYZ does not exist or cannot be accessed (962)
If you receive Table xyz does not exist or cannot be accessed (962) error messages, you must enable the Tableview functionality of the
After configuring TABLEVIEW, Multi-Tier users may need to take the following additional steps, to fully resolve the problem.
- Use a text editor to open the Broker Rulebook (oplrqb.ini).
The Broker Rulebook is found in the /bin sub-directory of your
OpenLink installation.
- Locate the [generic_proxxx] section which corresponds to the
OpenLink agent in use. For example:
[generic_pro83a] Program = pro83a_sv.exe Environment = PROGRESS83A ServerOptions = -q -d mdy -TB 31 -TM 31 ConnectOptions = ReUse = ifsame database, ifsame machine
- Set the
ReUse parameter to Never. For example:
ReUse = never
- Restart the Request Broker to initialize your changes.
- Test.
- Request Broker Log
- Session Rulebook
- Tableview .dat and .pf Files
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