%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ErrorMessagesT"}% =Error Message: {{{Table XYZ does not exist or cannot be accessed (962)}}} = If you receive **Table //xyz// does not exist or cannot be accessed (962)** error messages, you must [[ConfigureProgressTableview|enable the Tableview functionality]] of the OpenLink Data Access Drivers. This applies to both our Single-Tier and Multi-Tier users. After configuring TABLEVIEW, Multi-Tier users may need to take the following additional steps, to fully resolve the problem. # Use a text editor to open the Broker Rulebook ({{{oplrqb.ini}}}). The Broker Rulebook is found in the /bin sub-directory of your OpenLink installation. # Locate the {{{[generic_proxxx]}}} section which corresponds to the OpenLink agent in use. For example: {{{ [generic_pro83a] Program = pro83a_sv.exe Environment = PROGRESS83A ServerOptions = -q -d mdy -TB 31 -TM 31 ConnectOptions = tableview.pf ReUse = ifsame database, ifsame machine }}} # Set the ReUse parameter to **{{{Never}}}**. For example: {{{ ReUse = never }}} # Restart the Request Broker to initialize your changes. # Test. ===Evidence=== * Request Broker Log * Session Rulebook * Tableview {{{.dat}}} and {{{.pf}}} Files