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  • UdaWikiWeb.UnknownHost(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:01:31 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:01:31

    Error Message: Unknown Host

    The "unknown host" error message suggests environment or hostname resolution problems. If you receive such errors, take the following action:

    1. Navigate to the root directory of your OpenLink client installation.
    2. Set the OpenLink environment by running the appropriate script for your shell. The following will work in most environments, but your required command may differ --

      shell command
      sh, bash, zsh and related . ./openlink.sh
      ksh and related source ./openlink.sh
      csh, tcsh and related source ./openlink.csh

    3. Run the following command:

      echo $ODBCINI

      • If ODBCINI is set, re-test your connection.
      • If ODBCINI is not set, continue with the steps below.

    4. cd into the root directory of your OpenLink client installation.

    5. Open openlink.sh or openlink.csh (whichever you ran above) in a text editor.

    6. Record the variable settings found there, and close the file.

    7. Set all the variables on your command line. For example:

      export ODBCINI=/usr/openlink/bin/odbc.ini export ODBCINSTINI=/usr/openlink/bin/odbcinst.ini export UDBCINI=/usr/openlink/bin/udbc.ini

    8. Test your connection.

    9. If the problem persists, open your odbc.ini file. You will find this file in the /bin sub-directory of your client's OpenLink installation.

      1. Locate your DSN. For example:

        [OpenLink] Driver = /usr/openlink/lib/oplodbc.sl.1 Description = Sample OpenLink DSN Host = broker-host.example.com Port = 5000 ServerType = SQLServer 7 FetchBufferSize = 99 UserName = sa Password = Database = Northwind

      2. Change the Host value from a FQDN (fully-qualified domain name), to the IP address of the target host. For example:

        Host =

      3. Save your changes and test once more.

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