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  • UdaWikiWeb.UDADisallowedKeyWords(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:01:07 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:01:07

    Additional Reading

    Disallowed Keywords

    The following Keywords should not be added to the ConnectOptions entry, as they are set by the Agent Configuration Setup dialog, or are applied automatically by the Request Broker:

    • APP
    • DATABASE (see below)
    • DRIVER
    • DSN
    • PWD
    • UID (see below)

    If any of the above Keywords are used, the agent will probably fail to log on to the Database server, as duplicate Connect Options may have been supplied.

    Note: It is possible to add DATABASE= and UID= entries, provided that the Database:Name and Database:Username edit controls in the Agent Configuration dialog are left blank. Note the comments for the keyword, TrustedConnection above, which affects the handling of the UID keyword.

    The OpenLink SQL2000 agent does not perform any consistency or validity checking on the ConnectOptions entry, and passes the Connection options as entered to the SQL Server. If invalid keywords or values, or unreadable entries are supplied, the SQL Server may reject the login.

    The exception is the case where the ConnectOptions entry contains no recognizable entries, in which case it is assumed to be the value for the keyword, SERVER. A completely corrupted ConnectOptions entry will therefore probably try to connect to an invalid server.

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