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  • UdaWikiWeb.TroubleshootingUDAOpenlinkini(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:01:07 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:01:07

    openlink.ini Files

    The Single-Tier openlink.ini file associates database specific environment variables and port settings with Single-Tier domain aliases. For example:

    [Server Types]
    Oracle 8.1.x	=
    [Environment Oracle 8.1.x]
    ORACLE_HOME		  = /dbs5/oracle9i/64bit/v9.
    ORACLE_SID		  = ora92
    ;ORACLE_SERVER	          = T
    ;TWO_TASK		  = P:
    ;ODBC_CATALOGS		  = Y	  
    ;MULTIPLEX_LDA	          = 5	  
    ;OPL_USR_TBLS_FIRST	  = Y	  
    SHOW_REMARKS		  = N  
    ;OCI_PREFETCH_ROWS	  = 100	;
    ;OCI_PREFETCH_MEMORY	  = 65535 ;

    Use the following guidelines to interpret openlink.ini files:

    1. Ascertain which server type (a.k.a. "domain alias") is passed in the Single-Tier Data Source.
    2. Open the openlink.ini file.
    3. Insure that the server type appears in the [Server Type] list.
    4. Locate the [Environment] section that is associated with the server type.
    5. Insure that the appropriate environment variables are set.
    6. Compare the variable settings with the database user .profile to insure accuracy.
    7. Use relevant database utilities or configuration files to verify any TCP port settings.

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