Application Specific Problems

Sybase Money Data Type Interpreted as Text

The Microsoft Jet Engine properly interprets the Microsoft SQL Server MONEY data type as CURRENCY. However, Jet wrongly interprets the Sybase MONEY data type as TEXT. As a result, OpenLink's Sybase drivers return "SQLServer" for their DBMS_NAME. This makes Access interpret Sybase MONEY data as CURRENCY.

If Access interprets your MONEY data as TEXT, insure that you have the latest OpenLink Database Agent. You will find the latest Multi-Tier components at the following site: 

If the problem persists, use a text editor to open the oplrqb.ini file which you find in the /bin sub-directory of your OpenLink server components installation. Then, find the [generic_sybxx] section which corresponds to your OpenLink Sybase Agent. For example:

Program     = syb10_mv.exe
Environment = SYBASE10
ReUse       = always
;Directory 	= c:\temp
;ConnectOptions =
;ReadOnly	=
;CommandLine	=
;Database	=
;UserID         =
;Password       =

Next, remove the semicolon (;) from CommandLine and pass +jetfix to it. For example:

CommandLine = +jetfix 

Finally, restart or reinitialize your OpenLink Request Broker and test.

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