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  • UdaWikiWeb.StartupOptions(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:01:01 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:01:01

    Multi-Tier Request Broker Startup Options

    The Request Broker can be started in a number of ways using various command line options. A single instance is described here. For multiple instances, see a subsequent section.

      oplrqb [-flLdcv] [+foreground] [+loglevel num] [+logfile arg]
    	[+debug][+configfile arg] [+version]
      +foreground   run Broker in the foreground mode
      +loglevel     log level where Broker session log details decrease in verbosity from 7 down to 1
      +logfile      full path and file name into which Broker session log output is to be written
      +debug        starts Broker in debug mode
      +configfile   use alternate configuration file
      +version      show version number

    Command Line Examples

    • oplrqb

      Starts the Broker in background mode.

    • oplrqb -v

      Starts the Broker in background mode and displays version information as part of startup process.

    • oplrqb -dv

      Starts the Broker in foreground debug mode using default log level 7 (highest amount of session log information). This occupies your terminal session in the foreground, and echoes the output of all OpenLink Data Access Clients to the terminal window.

    • oplrqb -dvl 1

      Starts the Broker in foreground debug mode using default log level 1 (lowest amount of session log information). This occupies your terminal session in the foreground, and echoes the output of all OpenLink Data Access Clients to the terminal window.

    • oplrqb -dvL /tmp/openlink.log

      Starts the Broker in foreground debug mode using default log level 7 (highest amount of session log information). This occupies your terminal session in the foreground, and echoes the output of all OpenLink Data Access Clients to the file "/tmp/openlink.log."

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