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  • UdaWikiWeb.SQLConfigXASupport(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:00:54 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:00:54

    Configuring Microsoft SQL Server for XA support

    XA support was tested against the following Microsoft SQL Server versions:

    • MSSQL 6.5 RTM (WinNt4 Sp3)
    • MSSQL 7.0EE SP4 (Win2k AdvSrv Sp3)
    • MSSQL 2000 SP3a (Win2k Sp3)

    Before using the Microsoft SQL Server XA features, you must install and register the Microsoft SQL Server extended stored procedures, for this :

    1) copy xp_oplxa.dll ( xp_oplxa65.dll for MSSQL 6.5) to the MSSQLServer_Root/binn directory

    2) execute the command :

    isql.exe -Usa -Psa_pwd -ig:xp_oplxa.sql


    isql.exe -Usa -Psa_pwd -ig:xp_oplxa65.sql (for MSSQL 6.5)

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