Please ensure that you have the following
OpenLink ODBC DSN "No login dialog" check box is checked
- Using the OpenLink Client Configuration Utility (if present) or the Registry Editor, ensure that ShowErrors is off.
(If using the Registry Editor, drill down to \Local Machine\Software\ODBC\OPENLINK.INI\Communications, and set the ShowErrors key value to "No".) This prevents modal alert dialogs regarding error messages from the
OpenLink communications layer.
- Ensure the following two lines come first in the [Mapping Rules] section of your Broker Rulebook (e.g., oplrqb.ini):
[Mapping Rules] ;*:*:blank:*:*:*:rw = reject You should specify a username and password *:*:Admin:*:*:*:rw = reject User Admin Account Does Not Exist In Your Progress Database
The above removes dependency on JetTryAuth or TryJetAuth.
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