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  • UdaWikiWeb.PreinstallProgressLiteUnix(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:00:49 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:00:49

    Pre-Installation Requirements for the Single-Tier "Lite" Edition ODBC Driver for Progress/OpenEdge, for Unix-like OS

    DBMS Requirements

    You need to know a variety of information pertaining to your target Progress/OpenEdge database:

    Software Requirements

    1. Progress Client layer
      To connect to this DBMS Version You need these components ... Sort in ascending order ...on the same host as these
      Progress 8.x or earlier Progress® Client Networking SQL-89 Lite Drivers
      Progress 9.x in SQL-89 or 4GL mode Progress® Client Networking SQL-89 Lite Drivers
      Progress 9.x in SQL-92 mode Progress® SQL-92 Client Access SQL-92 Lite Drivers
      Progress OpenEdge 10.x or later Progress® SQL-92 Client Access SQL-92 Lite Drivers

      • The Progress® Client Networking or Progress® SQL-92 Client Access must be licensed from Progress Software. OpenLink Software cannot provide such licenses.
      • Installers for Progress® Client Networking or Progress® SQL-92 Client Access must be obtained from your Progress distribution media or the Progress Web site. OpenLink Software cannot provide such installers.
    2. SQL-89 vs SQL-92
      • The SQL-89 drivers are Progress version-specific, with names like Multi-Threaded ODBC Driver for Progress 9.1D or Single-Threaded ODBC Driver for Progress 8.3E. These drivers offer support for Progress triggers, Progress Distributed Databases (i.e., connections to multiple databases over a single ODBC connection), our specialized tableview configuration, and a particular presentation of Progress array data familiar to the Progress community. SQL-92 drivers, which all specify "(SQL-92)" in their name, do not support SQL-89/4GL functionality.
      • The SQL-92 drivers have a more generic branding such as Multi-Threaded ODBC Driver for Progress 9.1 (SQL-92). These drivers enable SQL-92 queries against Progress 9.x and later, including OpenEdge 10.x and later. SQL-89 drivers, which all specify a "letter" version of Progress (e.g., 8.3C, 9.1B) do not support SQL-92 functionality.
    3. 32-bit vs 64-bit
      • 32-bit Progress Clients can only be used with 32-bit Single-Tier drivers, which can only be used with 32-bit client applications.
      • 64-bit Progress Clients can only be used with 64-bit Single-Tier drivers, which can only be used with 64-bit client applications.
      • If your components do not all match "bitness," open a Support Case for assistance in selecting the best path forward, e.g.,
        1. If available, getting the Progress Client of the required "bitness";
        2. If available, getting a client application of the required "bitness"; or
        3. If the bitness-matched Progress Client and ODBC client application do not exist, changing to a bitness-bridging ODBC driver.

    Configuration Requirements

    • Ensure Progress's DLC and PROCFG environment variables are set.
    • Ensure relevant shared library environment variable(s) (LD_LIBRARY_PATH, SHLIB_PATH, and/or LIBPATH, depending on specific OS) include Progress library directories.


    Proceed to Installation & Configuration.

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