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  • UdaWikiWeb.MultipleRequestBrokers(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:00:35 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:00:35

    Multiple Request Brokers

    There are now three different behaviors for running the broker under Windows that are affected by the type of Windows operating system, and the +foreground and +debug flags.

    METHOD 1 - As a service


    • Under NT/XP/2000, when no +foreground or +debug has been specified. The oplrqb service will start, but only if it has been registered. When no +instance is specified, it will use the default instance. If this fails, it will run as method 2 or 3.
    • Under NT/2000, with a +service start [+instance identifier] If this fails, it will exit with an error.
    Note 1:
    When starting oplrqb without options, it will attempt to auto start an existing service. if that fails, it will attempt methods 2 and 3 (see below)
    Note 2:
    You'll need to do +service create first, the broker doesn't do this by itself.

    METHOD 2 - With debugging console


    • with +foreground or +debug, started from explorer/dos box
    • without +foreground or +debug option, started from a dos box.
    Start up mode is different when launched from a dos box. If there are no command line options specified, the broker will now default to +debug when started in a dos box.
    the +foreground and +debug options take precedence over method 1 (starting the service)

    METHOD 3 - User Specific Service (characterized by a Services Tray Icon)


    • started from explorer, without +foreground/+debug
      (NT/XP/2000: Method 1 is tried first)
    It will attempt to locate oplrqb.ini in the current directory, unless +config file has been specified.

    Startup Mode Summary

    To summarize, here is some pseudo code:

    if OS = NT or OS = Win2000 or OS = XP then
      if no +foreground or +debug options then
        if there is a service installed then
          silently attempt to start the service
          if this succeeds then exit
    if +foreground or +debug options then
      allocate a debugging console
      run in the foreground
    else if started from a dos box then
      set +foreground and +debug
      allocate a debugging console
      run in the foreground
      create the splash window and assume tray behavior
    Note: it is possible to make the oplrqb service allocate a debugging
    console. To do this, specify +debug while creating the service
    (example: oplrqb +service create +debug)

    Multiple Service Instances

    Multiple instances of the broker work only for NT/XP/2000 when running as a service.

    There is one default instance (unnamed) which is used when no +instance command line flag has been specified.


    oplrqb +service create

    Registers the default service instance. This service will use the oplrqb.ini rulebook in the current directory

    oplrqb +service create +instance 1 +config f:\openlink

    Registers the oplrqb_1 service instance This service will use the oplrqb.ini rulebook in f:\openlink

    oplrqb +service create +config f:\openlink\test\debug.ini +debug

    Registers the default service instance. This service will use the debug.ini rulebook in f:\openlink\test This service will produce debug output in a console. This service will not auto start, use oplrqb +service start

    Other service commands:

      +service auto [+instance id]    Set start up type to Automatic
      +service manual [+instance id]  Set start up type to Manual
      +service start [+instance id]   Start up the service
      +service stop [+instance id]    Stops up the service
      +service delete [+instance id]  Unregisters up the service

    +service list has been extended to show the rulebook that the instance uses as well as other status information.

    To configure another Broker instance manually:

    • create a new directory
    • create a new rulebook in this directory
    • set BinaryDirectory in this new rulebook to the installation directory of oplrqb.exe (need to share binaries & licensing)
    • Specify a different Listen port
    • Either disable www_sv in the rulebook or create a new www_sv.ini with 'HttpPort' key value set to a unique value other than the default 8000.
    • create another entry using +instance +config

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