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  • UdaWikiWeb.JDBCJetBrainsDataGrip(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:00:29 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:00:29

    Using OpenLink JDBC Drivers with JetBrains DataGrip

    OS X

    1. Launch DataGrip.app.
    2. Open the Manage Data Sources dialog with File -> Data Sources.
    3. Click the + at upper left, and select Driver from the menu.
    4. Register each driver you want to use --
      • OpenLink Enterprise Edition Generic Client

      • OpenLink Lite Edition JDBC-to-ODBC Bridge

      • OpenLink Virtuoso

      • OpenLink Virtuoso (SSL)

    5. Click Apply to save your changes, or OK to save your changes while exiting the dialog.
    6. Again click the + at upper left, and select the driver you want to use from the menu.
    7. Prepare a JDBC URL as appropriate to the driver in use --
    8. Name your data source as you like, and fill in the details. For example --

    9. Click the Test Connection button, which should show success, as --

    10. Click OK to save and connect to your data source.
    11. Open the Database window with View -> Tool Windows -> <bDatabase>.
    12. Drill down through the connected catalog, create and execute a query. For instance --

    13. Refer to the DataGrip documentation for further activity.


    (notes to come)

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