OpenLink .NET Data Provider for ODBC Installation and Configuration
Review Preinstallation Documentation: OpenLink .NET Data Provider for ODBC Pre-Installation Requirements
Simply download the .dll and place it in the folder from which your .NET application runs.
Ensure that you have obtained your
There is no additional configuration involved, unless you placed your .dll in a non-standard location. If you did not place your .dll in the directory from which your .NET application runs, you need to ensure that your Global Assembly Cache environment variable passes the directory that contains the .dll.
Provider Name: OpenLink.Data.IOdbcClient.dll
Connection String: DSN=;UID=;PWD=;
DSN = A local ODBC Data Source Name
UID = Username associated with Data Source Name
PWD = Password associated with Data Source Name
Example: DSN=Oracle 10 on AIX52;UID=scott;PWD=tiger
Proceed to Commercial Licensing Documentation:
Should you decide to purchase a commercial license at the end of your evaluation period, be sure to consult our documentation which explains the placement and uptake of commercial license files and the use of our
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