OpenLink ODBC Driver for DB2 (Lite Edition) Installation and Configuration
Login to your Unix or Linux client machine.
cd into the installation directory.
The installation files ship as an installation shell script, a driver and admin .taz file, and a license .lic file.
The installation shell script should be ftp'd in ascii.
The rest of the files should be ftp'd in binary, where applicable.
Run the following command to start the installation: sh
You must choose a TCP port on which to run your HTTP-based iODBC Data Sources Administrator.
The default is 8000.
You will need to know this port number and your local machine's IP address or hostname to access your Admistrator in a Web browser.
This is how you call it: http://machine:portnumber
This enables you to name your administrator's log file.
It is best to go with the default.
You can choose to log all requests.
This is not diagnostic-level odbc tracing or connection logging.
The default is no.
You can change the iODBC Data Source Administrator's default username from "admin." This is the name that you will need to login to
You can change the iODBC Data Source Administrator's default password from "admin."
The installation is complete.
Execute the bash command to open a bash shell.
If you do not have have the bash shell, substitute the sh command for the bash command.
This will open the bourne shell.
Use the export command to set an OPL_LICENSE_DIR variable that points to the directory that contains your
cd into the bin sub-directory of your
Use the ls command to display your files.
Run the following command to start your HTTP-based iODBC Data Sources Administrator: ./ start
Open a Web browser on any computer and type the URL for your administrator in the address bar.
Click the Client Components Administration link in the left hand side navigation bar.
Click the Configure ODBC Data Sources link in the left hand side navigation bar.
Then, login with your username and password.
Click the Add button.
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