PHP Development Resources
How do I download and install a pre-compiled ODBC-enabled PHP module for Mac OS X?
This article explains how to install PHP with ODBC support, offering a GUI-based
installer as well as the ability to download and install a pre-compiled PHP
module for Mac OS X with ODBC support.
Note: This module will only work
with the original Apache web server, as pre-installed in Mac OS X by Apple.
Downloadable GUI-based installation
of PHP bundle
(DMG format):
Applies to Apache 2 installations only
Terminal-based installation of PHP module
for Apache
Applies to Apache 1 installations only
Mac OS X 10.2 and later:
To update a previously installed version of the module to the most recent
version, execute the following Terminal commands:
<!--curl -O>curl -O>
Note: the command above belongs on a single line, with no spaces in the
URL. You will need to wait for a bit for the download to complete.
sudo apxs -i -a -n php4
sudo apachectl graceful
2. To install the ODBC-compliant module, execute the following Terminal commands:
<!--curl -O>
curl -O>
Note: the command above belongs on a single line, with no spaces in the
URL. You will need to wait for a bit for the download to complete.
sudo mv /usr/libexec/httpd/
3 . To activate the new PHP module, execute the following Terminal commands:
cd /etc/httpd
sudo apxs -e -a -n php4 libexec/httpd/
echo 'echo "AddType application/x-httpd-php .php" >> /etc/httpd/httpd.conf'
| sudo sh –s
Note: the command above belongs on a single line. For best results,
copy and paste from your browser to a text editor, and strip out any line-feeds.
sudo apachectl graceful
4. Proceed to Post installation steps below.
Mac OS X 10.1.5 and earlier:
1. To install the ODBC-compliant module, execute the following Terminal commands:
2. To activate the new PHP module, execute the following Terminal commands:
cd /etc/httpd
sudo apxs -e -a -n php4 libexec/httpd/
sudo perl -p -i.bak -e 's%#(AddType S+-php[ -])%$1%i' httpd.conf
Note: the command above belongs on a single line. For best results,
copy and paste from your browser to a text editor, and strip out
any line-feeds.
sudo apachectl graceful
4. Proceed to Post installation steps below.
Post installation (all platforms):
Next, you need to disable two modules in the /etc/httpd/httpd.conf
file, if they are enabled.
Comment them out like this:
# AddModule Mod_Auth_Apple.c
# LoadModule Apple_auth_module
2. Restart Apache. PHP should now be up and running.
You can test it by creating a file named test.php in your "Sites"
In that file, place a single line reading as follows:
<?php phpinfo() ?>
Now open up <http:> in your web
You should see a status table with information about the PHP module.
For more information on PHP module update and installation problems, visit>.
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