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  • UdaWikiWeb.HowCanIDetectMyMySQLDBMSVersion(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:00:12 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:00:12

    Detecting the MySQL DBMS version

    You may use the following steps to detect your MySQL DBMS version:

    1. Login to the machine that hosts MySQL.
    2. su to the mysql user.
    3. Execute the mysql .profile.
    4. cd into the bin sub-directory of your MySQL installation.
    5. Run this command: mysqladmin -u mysql_user -V

    For example:

          bash-2.03$ ./mysqladmin -u mysql -V
          ./mysqladmin  Ver 8.23 Distrib 3.23.49, for sun-solaris2.8 on sparc

    Note: You may be prompted to provide a password, if one is associated with your MySQL username.

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