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  • UdaWikiWeb.ForUpdate(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 14:59:57 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 14:59:57


    OpenLink Software has not implemented the non-standard "FOR UPDATE" cursor model. However, you can set the connection's transaction isolation level which may sufficiently serve the purpose. To proceed, take the following action:

    1. Create a new text file.
    2. Insert the command that your database uses to set its isolation level. For example:

      set isolation to dirty read

    3. Save and exit your file.

    If using Multi-Tier drivers

    1. Open your Broker Rulebook (oplrqb.ini) in your favorite text editor. The Rulebook is typically found in the /bin sub-directory of your OpenLink server components installation.
    2. Locate the [generic_xxxx] section, which corresponds to your OpenLink Database Agent. For example:

      [generic_inf7] Program = inf7_mv.exe ;CommandLine = Environment = INFORMIX7 OpsysLogin = Yes ReUse = always

    3. Remove any leading semicolon (;) from CommandLine.
    4. Add +initsql isolation_command_filename to the CommandLine value. For example:

      CommandLine = +initsql /path/to/inf73sv.sql

    5. Save your changes and exit the file.
    6. Reinitialize or restart the Broker.
    7. Test your connection.

    If using Single-Tier drivers

    In the DSN Setup dialog, locate the Initial SQL setting, and put the full path to your text file there.

    You can also manually edit the relevant DSN in odbc.ini or the Registry, and set the keyword InitSQL to the same path.


    • Code Sample
    • ODBC Client Trace
    • Database Agent Version String
    • DBMS Version

    Referenced by...