Application Specific Problems

dbNavigator Does Not Return SQL Server Tables

Visual Café's dbNavigator does not return SQL Server tables, if you use it with OpenLink's 3.x and 1.x drivers. To resolve this problem, download the latest OpenLink drivers. If the problem persists, take the following action:

1. Access the machine, which contains your OpenLink server components installation.

2. Open your ODBC Data Sources utility. (Control Panel)

3. Click on the System tab.

4. Click Add.

5. Select Microsoft's native SQL Server driver.

6. Click Finish.

7. Complete your new SQL Server data source.

8. Access your client machine.

9. Open your ODBC Data Sources utility. (Control Panel)

10. Click on the System tab.

11. Click Add.

12. Select OpenLink's Generic 32Bit driver.

13. Click Finish.

14. Pass the following values in your OpenLink Data Source:

  • Name: Any descriptive name
  • Domain: Odbc
  • Hostname: Name or IP address of machine with OpenLink Broker
  • Port: Port on which the Request Broker listens. (5000 is the default.)
  • Database: Exact name of native SQL Server data source
  • Username: SQL Server uid, if required
  • Server: Blank

15. Test.

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