Configuring Microsoft SQL Server DTS Import using the Single-Tier "Lite" Edition OLE DB Provider for ODBC Data Sources
Use the following instructions to configure a DTS Import.
- Open your Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
- Drill down to Console Root >> Microsoft SQL Servers >> SQL Server Group >> Your Actual SQL Server.
- Expand the Security folder.
- Right click on Linked Servers.
- Select "New Linked Server."
- Supply the following information on your General tab:
- Linked Server: Any descriptive name (no spaces)
- (Check the "Other Data Source" radio button)
- Provider Name: OpenLink ODBC Provider
- Product Name: OpenLinkOLEDB
- Data Source: Your Multi-Tier DSN
- Linked Server: Any descriptive name (no spaces)
- Do not check any server options on the bottom of the tab.
- Provide your Data Source username and password on the Security tab.
- Click OK to create your server.
- Exit the Linked Server dialog box.
- Locate your newly created Linked Server.
- Expand the new Linked Server's tree menu.
- Click the Tables icon.
- Locate the qabasics table in the tables list.
- Carefully record the Schema and Catalog associated with the table.
For example —
NAME SCHEMA CATALOG TYPE qabasics dbo master User
- Expand the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager's Tools menu.
- Select the Microsoft SQL Server Query Analyzer.
- Build your query with four-part naming, along these lines:
SELECT * FROM [your linked server name].[catalog].[schema].qabasics
For example:
SELECT * FROM SQL2KLA.master.dbo.qabasics
Note: Leave blanks as place holders when your target database lacks CATALOG or SCHEMA information. For example:
- Click the green arrow icon to run your query.
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