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  • UdaWikiWeb.ADOInstallClientNETCL(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 14:59:39 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 14:59:39

    OpenLinkGeneric ADO.NET Data Provider Installation and Configuration

    Review Preinstallation Documentation: OpenLink Generic ADO.NET Data Provider Pre-Installation Requirements


    The OpenLink Generic ADO.NET Data Provider for .NET CLR is currently distributed as a single .dll.

    Simply download the .dll and place it in the same folder as your .NET application.


    There is no additional configuration involved, unless you placed your .dll in a non-standard location. If you did not place your .dll in the directory from which your .NET application runs, you need to ensure that your Global Assembly Cache environment variable passes the directory that contains the .dll.

    Provider Name: OpenLink.Data.GenericClient.dll

    Connection String: Host=;Port=;SVT=;DATABASE=;OPTIONS=;UID=;PWD=;

    Host = Hostname or IP address on which the OpenLink Request Broker resides. The OpenLink Request Broker is a Multi-Tier server component.

    Port = TCP port on which the OpenLink Request Broker listens.

    SVT = The value must match a [Domain Alias], which is contained in the Request Broker's Session Rules Book. This Alias typically represents the name and version of an OpenLink Agent. That agent version may differ from the DBMS version to which it connects. Note that advanced users may create custom domain names that follow their own, desired conventions.

    DATABASE = Target database name.

    OPTIONS = This field passes parameters that enable users to connect to MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLServer, and Sybase databases anywhere on the network. It also passes parameters that enable users to connect to any DBMS that does not reside on the same machine as the OpenLink Request Broker and Agent. Review Complete Settings and Usage for Connect Options

    UID = Database username.

    PWD = Database password.

    Example: Host=;Port=5000;SVT=Informix 2000;DATABASE=Informix;OPTIONS=ol_informix;UID=informix;PWD=informix;

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