Web Services (WSDL) interface.
OAT.WS.getEndpoint(wsdlURL, callback)
Asynchronously retrieve the endpoint URL for a given wsdlURL. Will callback(url) when retrieved.
OAT.WS.listServices(wsdlURL, callback)
Asynchronously retrieve a list of valid services for a given wsdlURL. Will callback(servicesArray) when retrieved.
OAT.WS.listParameters(wsdlURL, service, callback)
Asynchronously retrieve input and output values for given wsdlURL and service. Will callback(inputObject, outputObject) when retrieved.
OAT.WS.invoke(wsdlURL, service, callback, options)
Invokes a web service, with WSDL file located at wsdlURL. Input values are specified in options; will callback(outputObject) when finished. Options:
- type - (default OAT.AJAX.TYPE_XML)
- headers - (default {"SOAPAction":service})
/* Sample code for google search */ var wsdl = "/google/services.wsdl"; var serviceName = "doGoogleSearch"; var inputObject = { doGoogleSearch:{ key:"IGWnqjhQFHKvB8MdJlVI0GPKDJxZhwBf", q:"my query", start:0, maxResults:10, filter:"", restrict:"", safeSearch:"", lr:"", ie:"", oe:"" } } function callback(outputObject) { alert('Data arrived!'); } OAT.WS.invoke(wsdl, callback, serviceName, inputObject);
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