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  • UdaWikiWeb.ServerAgentAdminPostgreSQL(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:00:56 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:00:56

    Server Agent Administration


    Table: 1. Default Rule Book settings

    Rule Book Section & parameters Default Rule Book Settings Notes
    [Environment POSTGRES]

    Uncomment after loading odbccat defs

    Agent Section

    OpSysLogin= Yes; Users are validated against the operating system.

    The following options can be used in the ConnectOptions field of the rule book (oplrqb.ini) to override client Options settings:

    • -H
      Connect to postmaster on . This defaults to localhost if unspecified
    • -P
      Contact postmaster on port , which defaults to PGPORT (5432) is unspecified.
    • -T
      Disable ODBC transaction management. All transactions will be automatically committed. This prevents palloc() failures with out-of-memory errors when doing really big transactions such as Exporting 10000 records from MS/Access.

    Database Agent default name: pgr7_mv (or pgr7_sv which is single threaded)

    This ODBC database agent has been built using PostgreSQL release 7.2. Using this agent with a previous version of Postgres will probably fail. If you experience any problems with older releases, please try against release 7.2 first before contacting OpenLink.

    Data type Mapping from ODBC Data types to Postgres Data types

    This information can be queried by the SQLTypeInfo catalog call.

    Table: 2. Default Rule Book settings

    SQL type Postgres type
    SQL_CHAR char
    SQL_VARCHAR varchar
    SQL_DECIMAL varchar
    SQL_NUMERIC varchar
    SQL_BIT bit
    SQL_TINYINT int2
    SQL_INTEGER int4
    SQL_BIGINT varchar
    SQL_REAL float4
    SQL_DOUBLE float8
    SQL_FLOAT float8
    SQL_BINARY not supported
    SQL_VARBINARY not supported
    SQL_LONGVARBINARY not supported
    SQL_DATE not supported
    SQL_TIME not supported
    SQL_TIMESTAMP not supported

    Data type Mapping from Postgres Data types to ODBC Data types

    This information can be queried by the SQLColumns catalog call.

    Table: 3. Default Rule Book settings

    Postgres type SQL type Precision
    bool SQL_CHAR 1
    char SQL_CHAR 1
    name SQL_VARCHAR 32
    char16 SQL_CHAR 16
    int4 SQL_INTEGER
    regproc SQL_VARCHAR 16
    text SQL_LONGVARCHAR 8000
    oid SQL_INTEGER (*)
    tid SQL_VARCHAR 19
    xid SQL_VARCHAR 12
    cid SQL_VARCHAR 3
    oid8 SQL_VARCHAR 89
    smgr SQL_VARCHAR 12
    char2 SQL_VARCHAR 2
    char4 SQL_VARCHAR 4
    char8 SQL_VARCHAR 8
    filename SQL_VARCHAR 255
    float4 SQL_REAL
    float8 SQL_DOUBLE
    abstime SQL_VARCHAR 60
    reltime SQL_VARCHAR 60
    tinterval SQL_VARCHAR 60
    unknown SQL_VARCHAR 255
    bpchar SQL_CHAR 255
    varchar SQL_VARCHAR 255
    date SQL_CHAR 10
    time SQL_CHAR 16
    other type SQL_LONGVARCHAR 8000

    (*) Note: An oid is returned as a SQL_INTEGER, because otherwise it would not be useable for SQLSpecialColumns.

    Binary data / large objects are not supported in this release.

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