%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ServerAgentAdministration"}% ==Server Agent Administration== === PostgresSQL === Table: 1. Default Rule Book settings |**Rule Book Section & parameters**|**Default Rule Book Settings**|**Notes**| |[Environment POSTGRES]||| |;ODBC_CATALOGS=|Y|Uncomment after loading odbccat defs| Agent Section OpSysLogin{{{=}}} Yes; Users are validated against the operating system. The following options can be used in the ConnectOptions field of the rule book (oplrqb.ini) to override client Options settings: * ** -H** Connect to postmaster on . This defaults to localhost if unspecified * **-P** Contact postmaster on port , which defaults to PGPORT (5432) is unspecified. * **-T** Disable ODBC transaction management. All transactions will be automatically committed. This prevents palloc() failures with out-of-memory errors when doing really big transactions such as Exporting 10000 records from MS/Access. Database Agent default name: pgr7_mv (or pgr7_sv which is single threaded) This ODBC database agent has been built using PostgreSQL release 7.2. Using this agent with a previous version of Postgres will probably fail. If you experience any problems with older releases, please try against release 7.2 first before contacting OpenLink. ====Data type Mapping from ODBC Data types to Postgres Data types==== This information can be queried by the SQLTypeInfo catalog call. Table: 2. Default Rule Book settings |**SQL type** |** Postgres type**| |SQL_CHAR | char| |SQL_VARCHAR | varchar| |SQL_LONGVARCHAR | text| |SQL_DECIMAL | varchar| |SQL_NUMERIC | varchar| |SQL_BIT | bit| |SQL_TINYINT | int2| |SQL_SMALLINT | int2| |SQL_INTEGER | int4| |SQL_BIGINT | varchar| |SQL_REAL | float4| |SQL_DOUBLE | float8| |SQL_FLOAT |float8| |SQL_BINARY | not supported| |SQL_VARBINARY | not supported| |SQL_LONGVARBINARY | not supported| |SQL_DATE | not supported| |SQL_TIME | not supported| |SQL_TIMESTAMP| not supported| ====Data type Mapping from Postgres Data types to ODBC Data types==== This information can be queried by the SQLColumns catalog call. Table: 3. Default Rule Book settings |**Postgres type** | **SQL type Precision**| |bool |SQL_CHAR 1| |char |SQL_CHAR 1| |name |SQL_VARCHAR 32| |char16 |SQL_CHAR 16| |int2 |SQL_SMALLINT | |int4 |SQL_INTEGER | |regproc |SQL_VARCHAR 16| |text |SQL_LONGVARCHAR 8000| |oid |SQL_INTEGER (*)| |tid |SQL_VARCHAR 19| |xid |SQL_VARCHAR 12| |cid |SQL_VARCHAR 3| |oid8 |SQL_VARCHAR 89| |smgr |SQL_VARCHAR 12| |char2 |SQL_VARCHAR 2| |char4 |SQL_VARCHAR 4| |char8 |SQL_VARCHAR 8| |filename |SQL_VARCHAR 255| |float4 |SQL_REAL | |float8 |SQL_DOUBLE| |abstime |SQL_VARCHAR 60| |reltime |SQL_VARCHAR 60| |tinterval |SQL_VARCHAR 60| |unknown | SQL_VARCHAR 255| |bpchar |SQL_CHAR 255| |varchar |SQL_VARCHAR 255| |date |SQL_CHAR 10| |time |SQL_CHAR 16| |other type| SQL_LONGVARCHAR 8000| (*) Note: An oid is returned as a SQL_INTEGER, because otherwise it would not be useable for SQLSpecialColumns. Binary data / large objects are not supported in this release.