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  • SupportWeb.WorksheetMTpostconnect(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 14:59:38 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 14:59:38

    Troubleshooting Worksheet -- Multi-Tier Driver, Post-Initial Connectivity

    Use this form to gather information which will help us better assist you. If possible, follow up with a client-side ODBC trace and the Request Broker Log.

    System Information

    • What product are you using?

    • What are the names of the files that you downloaded?

    • What is the product version and release number?

    • What is the name and version of the o/s containing your Multi-Tier client components?

    • Provide the output of uname -a for unix and linux machines.

    • What is the name and version of the o/s containing your Multi-Tier server components?

    • Provide the output of uname -a for unix and linux machines.

    Problem Description

    • Provide the text of any error message you experience.

    • Describe any problem that does not produce error text.

    • Describe the steps that you take to reproduce the problem.

    • Provide Data Source Name Connection Parameters.

    Server Environment

    • Did you install the server components under your database user's uid?

    • Did you install the server components with your database user's .profile set?

    • Did you install your server components on the database native server?

      • If not, did you install your server components on a machine containing the database native client?

    • What is your database native client version?

    Problem Isolation

    • Is the problem specific to one, particular query?

    • Is the problem specific to a type of query; UPDATEs, INSERTs, JOINs, etc.?

    • Were you able to run this query in the past, using this exact same setup?

      • If so, what changed?

    • Can you run your query using the same ODBC setup on a different machine?

    • Can you run the same query using a different application and OpenLink drivers?

    • Do non-OpenLink drivers allow you to run this query?

    • Can you run this query through a database native interface?

    Referenced by...