= Configuring the Virtuoso Client ODBC Driver on Windows =
# Open the **ODBC Data Source Administrator** from **Control Panel** -> **System and Security** -> **Administrative Tools**.
# Select the **Drivers** tab to see a list of all available ODBC Drivers. One of these will be **OpenLink Virtuoso**.
# Select the **System DSN** tab to see the available Data Source Names (DNSs), one of which should now be **Local Virtuoso**. Select the existing **Local Virtuoso** DSN and click **Configure** to edit the defaults, or click **Add** to create a new DSN.
# If you chose to **Add** a DSN, the **Create Data Source** dialog will be presented; select the **OpenLink Virtuoso** ODBC Driver, and click **Finish**.
# The first setup panel prompts for a DSN name and description, and basic connection information about the target Virtuoso **Server** instance(s). Click **Next** when all desired options are set.
#* **Name** - (Required) A brief and meaningful title for your Data Source Name
#* **Description** - (Optional) A longer description of your Data Source Name
#* **Server** - (Required) Select the drop down list box to invoke the driver's dynamic discovery of Virtuoso instances on the network and choose the desired instance.
##* If you have an active Internet connection, you can test against **{{{demo.openlinksw.com:21118}}}**, which we keep online most of the time (except when upgrading and during some testing).
##* A comma-delimited list of target {{{:}}} entries can be used to [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtRoundRobinDataAccessClients|enable fault-tolerant or load-balanced connections to clustered instances]].
#* **This server requires a secure connection (SSL)** - If this box is ticked, the driver will demand an SSL encrypted connection to the target Virtuoso instance(s). If a targeted instance is not configured for or capable of SSL connections, the connection will fail. //This setting is not needed for connections to Virtuoso instances which are configured to demand SSL connections from clients; such demands are handled automatically by the driver.//
#* **Use RoundRobin for failover connection** - [[http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtRoundRobinDataAccessClients|Enables load-balanced connections to clustered instances]], when **Server** has multiple target {{{:}}} entries.
# The next setup panel prompts for authentication details. Click **Next** when all desired options are set.
#* **Authentication method** - Select [[VirtuoroClientServerChallengeProtocol|Client/Server challenge protocol]], encrypted password, or plaintext password
#* **Connect to the Virtuoso Server to obtain default settings for the additional configuration options** - Check to poll the target Virtuoso instance regarding settings on following setup panels.
#* **User name** - The Virtuoso username. (For {{{demo.openlinksw.com:21118}}} tests, use **{{{vdb}}}** here.)
#* **Password** - The Virtuoso password. (For {{{demo.openlinksw.com:21118}}} tests, use **{{{vdb}}}** here.)
# The next setup panel prompts for various optional details. Click **Finish** when all desired options are set.
#* **Change the default database to** - Select the desired initial database schema.
#* **Change the default character set to** - Select the desired character set.
#* **Change the default transaction isolation level to** - Select the desired transaction isolation level.
#* **Automatically correct for daylight savings changes** - Check to ensure that time data values are adjusted to counter the effects of daylight saving.
#* **Treat system tables as user tables** -
#* **Treat views as user tables** -
# The Data source name is now successfully added or configured and ready for use.
== Next... ==
* [[../UdaWikiWeb/TestingWindowsODBCDSNs| Test your new ODBC DSN]].