
License Manager

%TOC% ===Monitor License Consumption=== OpenLink's License Manager technology provides a sophisticated and easy to use License statistics and monitoring facility. This page introduces you to that facility and provides alternative techniques for versions of the software that do not contain it. # Launch the Virtuoso Web interface. # Click the *Conductor* link. # Login with your Virtuoso dba account. # Click the *System Admin* tab. # Locate the *License* section to review the terms of your Virtuoso license. # Locate the *Clients* section to review open connections that consume Virtuoso license points. ===Start the License Manager Process=== ====Mac OS X==== # Launch *Terminal.app* (/Applications/Utilities/) # Execute the command, cd "/Library/Application Support/openlink/bin/" # Execute the command, oplmgr +start ====Windows==== # Launch the *Services* Control Panel (may be in the *Administrative Tools* sub-folder). # Locate and select the OpenLink License Manager service. # Click the *Start* icon. ====Unix-like OS (AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, etc.)==== # Open a Unix terminal. # *cd* into the root of your Virtuoso installation. # Use one of the following commands to set Virtuoso-related environment variables. (Note that they do, and must, begin with dot-space-dot-slash.) * . ./virtuoso-enterprise.sh — bash, bsh, ksh, and related shells * . ./virtuoso-enterprise.csh — csh, tcsh, and related shells # Set and export an OPL_LICENSE_DIR environment variable that passes the path to the directory that contains your Virtuoso license. # Execute the command, oplmgr +start *Note*: OpenLink recommends that you create an /etc/init.d/ script that sets the environment and runs oplmgr +start at boot time. ===Stop the License Manager Process=== ====Mac OS X==== # Launch *Terminal.app* (/Applications/Utilities/) # Execute the command, cd "/Library/Application Support/openlink/bin/" # Execute the command, oplmgr +stop ====Windows==== # Launch the *Services* Control Panel (may be in the *Administrative Tools* sub-folder). # Locate and select the *OpenLink License Manager* service. # Click the *Stop* icon. ====Unix-like OS (AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, etc.)==== # Open a Unix terminal. # *cd* into the root of your Virtuoso installation. # Use one of the following commands to set Virtuoso-related environment variables. (Note that they do, and must, begin with dot-space-dot-slash.) * . ./virtuoso-enterprise.sh — bash, bsh, ksh, and related shells * . ./virtuoso-enterprise.csh — csh, tcsh, and related shells # Execute the command, oplmgr +stop ===Reinitialize the License Manager Process=== ===Mac OS X=== # Launch *Terminal.app* (/Applications/Utilities/) # Execute the command, cd "/Library/Application Support/openlink/bin/" # Execute the command, oplmgr +reload ====Windows==== # Launch the *Services* Control Panel (may be in the *Administrative Tools* sub-folder). # Locate and select the OpenLink License Manager service. # Click the *Restart* icon. ====Unix-like OS (AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, etc.)==== # Open a Unix terminal. # *cd* into the root of your Virtuoso installation. # Use one of the following commands to set Virtuoso-related environment variables. (Note that they do, and must, begin with dot-space-dot-slash.) * . ./virtuoso-enterprise.sh — bash, bsh, ksh, and related shells * . ./virtuoso-enterprise.csh — csh, tcsh, and related shells # Set and export an OPL_LICENSE_DIR environment variable that passes the path to the directory that contains your Virtuoso license. # Execute the command, oplmgr +reload ===Additional Usage Notes=== The license manager takes several command-line arguments, as revealed by its "usage" output (produced by any unrecognized argument) *mdash; {{{ bash$ oplmgr --help OpenLink License Manager Version 1.2.2 as of Thu Feb 15 2007 (Release 6.0 cvsid 00084). Compiled for Linux 2.4.20-46.9.legacysmp (i686-generic-linux-glibc23-32) Copyright (C) OpenLink Software. Usage: oplmgr [-shrutp] [+start] [+stop] [+reload] [+user arg] [+chroot arg] [+pidfile arg] +start start the license manager +stop stop the license manager +reload force a configuration reload +user run as the specified user +chroot perform a chroot to the specified directory +pidfile pid file to use for server operation }}}