%META:TOPICPARENT{name="VirtusoErrorMessages"}% = Virtuoso Error Messages (T) = [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesA|A]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesB|B]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesC|C]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesD|D]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesE|E]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesF|F]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesG|G]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesH|H]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesI|I]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesJ|J]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesK|K]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesL|L]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesM|M]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesN|N]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesO|O]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesP|P]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesQ|Q]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesR|R]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesS|S]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesT|T]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesU|U]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesV|V]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesW|W]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesX|X]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesY|Y]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesZ|Z]] [[VirtuosoErrorMessagesSymbols|#]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSQ016_42S01 |Table <table_name> already exists]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSQ143_37000 |Tables '<tb1>' and '<tb2>' have the same exposed names. Use correlation names to distinguish them.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR054_37000 |Table <tbl> doesn't exist]] * [[VirtuosoErrorVD070_42S01 |Table <name> exists as local table, cannot unlink similarly named remote table]] * [[VirtuosoErrorVD063_42S01 |Table already exists in ATTACH]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR277_42S01 |Table already exists in rename table.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSQ134_42000 |Table already has an IDENTIFIED BY option]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR265_37000 |Table being dropped is referenced in FOREIGN KEY]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSQ006_42S22 |Table has non unique column names either directly through inheritance]] * [[VirtuosoErrorVD045_42S02 |Table in positioned delete is not the table of the cursor]] * [[VirtuosoErrorFT034_42S02 |Text index not defined for <table_name>]] * [[VirtuosoErrorFT035_42S02 |Text index should be enabled for the table <table_name>]] * [[VirtuosoErrorVD030_37000 |The _ROW virtual column cannot be referenced for remote tables.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorHT055_22023 |The authentication function required in the authentication hook]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR290_42S22 |The column <column_name> in the source table <table_name> doesn't have a match in the destination table <table_name>]] * [[VirtuosoErrorFT024_22023 |The column <name> is not an integer]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR084_42S22 |The column <column_name> is not defined in the given table]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSQ149_42S22 |The column '<column name>' was specified multiple times for '<table name>']] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR280_37000 |The column is a key or primary key part. Drop the index first]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR281_37000 |The column is referenced in foreign key constraint. Drop the foreign key first]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR282_42S22 |The column to drop is not defined in the given table]] * [[VirtuosoErrorNN010_22023 |The command is not recognized]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSQ130_42000 |The count of supplied parameters to Virtuoso/PL FETCH statement does not match the count of the selected columns.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR059_42000 |The current name of server cannot be altered.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR199_HY109 |The cursor in positioned DELETE was not on any row.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR078_22005 |The cursor parameter is not settable]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR254_42000 |The cursor specified is not a SELECT.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorFT037_42S22 |The data column <name> does not exist in table <table_name> definition x]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR019_37000 |The DAV collection <name> must added before checkpoint.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR038_37000 |The dav publication <name> already exist]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR332 42000 |The DB.DBA.DBEV_DSN_LOGIN should return strings for UID and PWD.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorUD082_42S22 |The definition of type <name> not found in SYS_USER_TYPES]] * [[VirtuosoErrorUD067_42S22 |The definition of type <type> not found in SYS_USER_TYPES]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR043_22019 |The escape should be non-empty string in matches_like]] * [[VirtuosoLCKFileExistsError|The file virtuoso.lck exists.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR039_22023 |The first argument to strstr is not a wide string]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR021_22023 |The first parameter is not valid path string]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR179_07S01 |The function <function_name> does not accept a keyword parameter <param_name>]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR050_22023 |The grantee is invalid user name : <grantee>]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR051_37000 |The grantee <grantee> doesn't exist]] * [[VirtuosoErrorVD008_22023 |The handle passed to rclose is not valid]] * [[VirtuosoErrorVD010_22023 |The handle passed to rmoreresults is not valid]] * [[VirtuosoErrorVD009_22023 |The handle passed to rnext is not valid]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR037_22025 |The HTTP escaping sprintf escape <index> doesn't support modifiers]] * [[VirtuosoErrorHT031_22023 |The HTTP output is not an STRING session in http_output_flush]] * [[VirtuosoErrorHT036_42000 |The http_auth not effective outside an VSP context]] * [[VirtuosoErrorHT037_42000 |The http_client_ip not effective outside an VSP context]] * [[VirtuosoErrorHT035_42000 |The http_flush already done]] * [[VirtuosoErrorHT034_42000 |The http_flush not effective outside an VSP context]] * [[VirtuosoErrorFT036_42S22 |The id column <name> does not exist in table <table_name> definition]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR043_22023 |The item type <type> not applicable]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR033_22026 |The length of the data for sprintf argument <index> exceed the maximum of 2000]] * [[VirtuosoErrorHT046_22023 |The listen host should be equal to SSLPort]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSQ167_22023 |The long varchar, long varbinary and long nvarchar data types cannot be used in the WHERE, HAVING, or ON clause, except with the IS NULL predicate for column <name>]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR060_42000 |The name of new server used from another publishing server.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorFT019_22023 |The new mode should be ON or OFF, not <mode>]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR057_42000 |The new name must be the same as in the ServerName (from INI file)]] * [[VirtuosoErrorDA011_42000 |The new password for [name] cannot be empty]] * [[VirtuosoErrorUD034_42000 |The object (type <type>) is not an instance of <type>]] * [[VirtuosoErrorUD037_22023 |The object supplied is not an instance of <type>]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR052_22023 |The path string is mandatory for DB.DBA.MKCOL]] * [[VirtuosoErrorVD061_HY105| The parameter <inx> of the remote procedure <name> is an output parameter]] * [[VirtuosoErrorHT044_22023 |The physical path must points to the dav domain.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorHT045_22023 |The port number of host and listen host must be the same.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorHT060_22023 |The port number of SSL host and SSL listen host must be the same.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR313_42000 |The procedure <proc_name> is part of a module <module>. Drop the module first.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR041_37000 |The procedure name doesn't exist]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSQ076_42000 |The procedure owner specified is different than the creator.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR042_37000 |The procedures calls to <name> can not be replicated to more than one publication]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR047_37000 |The publication <acct> doesn't exist]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR016_37000 |The publication <name> does not exist]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR061_42000 |The publication on "[new_name]" exists with the same name a on "[old_name]". The rename operation cannot be performed]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR045_37000 |The replication server <server> doesn't exist]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTheRequestedActiveContent|The requested active content cannot be displayed due to execution restriction.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR100_22003 |The requested subsequence of BLOB is longer than 10Mb, thus it cannot be stored as a string]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR334_22023 |The result names description should be an array in exec_result]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR335_22023 |The result names description should be an array in exec_result_names]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR200_42S12 |The row being deleted has no valid key.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR040_22023 |The second argument to strstr is not a wide string]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR024_22023 |The second parameter is not valid path string]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR312_08004 |The server is shutting down]] * [[VirtuosoErrorVD086_22023 |The statement in RSTMTEXEC should return resultset]] * [[VirtuosoErrorHT057_22023 |The STRING session is longer than 10Mb. Use substring to access it in parts.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR007_37000 |The subscription <name> already exist]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR004_37000 |The subscription <name> from <server> doesn't exist]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSQ026_42000 |The subtable <table_name> must have the same owner as the supertable <table_name>]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSQ158_42S12 |The supertable <table> in UNDER has no primary key.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSQ157_42S02 |The supertable <table> in UNDER is not defined.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR010_37000 |The table <name> already exist]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR040_37000 |The table <name> doesn't exist]] * [[VirtuosoErrorFT032_42S02 |The table <table_name> is not full-text indexed]] * [[VirtuosoErrorFT018_42S02 |The table is not freetext indexed]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR046_37000 |The target table <target_table> already exist]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR036_22025 |The URL escaping sprintf escape <index> doesn't support modifiers]] * [[VirtuosoErrorDA010_42000 |The user [name] does not exist]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSQ127_42000 |The user has been deleted]] * [[VirtuosoErrorIN001_2C000 |The UTF-8 is not a redefinable charset]] * [[VirtuosoErrorFT014_42000 |The vt_batch can't be used in vt_batch_feed after vt_batch_strings has been called.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorFT015_22023 |The vt_batch_feed can't index XML tree entity argument, only textual data and XPERs are allowed]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR009_37000 |The WebDAV collection <name> already exist]] * [[VirtuosoErrorTR039 37000 |The WebDAV collection <name> doesn't exist]] * [[VirtuosoErrorXS021_22023 |The xslt parameters must be an even length generic array]] * [[VirtuosoErrorNoLicensedConnectionsAvailableToHTTPServer |There are no licensed connections available to the HTTP Server]] * [[VirtuosoErrorFA021_22003 |Third argument of string_to_file function, should be nonnegative offset value, -1 or -2]] * [[VirtuosoErrorVD016_42000 |This feature runs only on Windows NT/Windows 2000. The ODBCINST functionality disabled]] * [[VirtuosoErrorHT010_42000 |This function is only allowed processing a HTTP request]] * [[VirtuosoErrorIB010_42000 |Timeout cannot be negative]] * [[VirtuosoErrorB009_42000 |Timeout exceeded]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR296_37000 |To add foreign key REFERENCES should be specified]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR029_22023 |To arg (#3) to replace was not a wide string]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR299_37000 |To drop foreign key should be specified NAME or REFERENCES]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR300_42S11 |To modify a foreign key first drop the old and then add the new]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR302_37000 |To modify a unique constraint first drop the old and then add the new]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR228_07001 |Too few actual parameters]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR187_07001 |Too few actual parameters for <procedure_name>]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR030_22003 |Too few arguments for <function_name>]] * [[VirtuosoErrorVD005_37000 |Too few arguments for rexecute (dsn, text, state, message, params, max, desc, result[, handle])]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR079_22023 |Too few arguments to exec_next(cursor, state, message, row)]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSQ094_21S01 |Too many (<number>) values in insert into <table_name>]] * [[VirtuosoErrorVD059_07001 |Too many parameters in the call to the remote procedure <name>]] * [[VirtuosoErrorXS039_22023 |Too many percent/permille characters in format-number() pattern]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR215_42000 |Too many triggers on <table_name>]] * [[VirtuosoErrorXS025_XS370 |top element is not stylesheet]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSQ148_37000 |TOP not supported in IN, ANY, SOME, ALL, ONE subqueries]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR350_22023 |TOP parameter < 0]] * [[VirtuosoErrorImageSizeWentAboveLimit|Transaction aborted because it's log after image size went above the limit]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR337_40006 |Transaction aborted because the server is out of memory]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR325_S1T00 |Transaction aborted due to a database checkpoint or database-wide atomic operation. Please retry transaction]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR108_4000X |Transaction could not commit after DDL statement. Last DDL statement rolled back.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR172_40001 |Transaction deadlocked]] * [[VirtuosoErrorVD047_40001 |Transaction killed during VDB call]] * [[VirtuosoErrorVD048_40001 |Transaction killed during VDB operation]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR114_42000 |Transaction not in backup mode]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR173_40003 |Transaction out of disk.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR176_4000X |Transaction rolled back due to previous SQL error.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR171_S1T00 |Transaction timed out.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR314_42000 |Trying to drop a module with drop procedure.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorUD020_42S01 |Type <type> already exists]] * [[VirtuosoErrorUD064_37000 |Type <type> is DISTINCT. ALTER TYPE ADD ATTRIBUTE for distinct types is not supported]] * [[VirtuosoErrorUD063_22023 |Type <type> is obsolete.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorUD022_42000 |Type <type> is used in one or more compiled queries. Drop them first.]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR022_22023 |Type for make_array must be float, double, long or any]] * [[VirtuosoErrorSR354_23000 |Type mismatch inserting user defined type instance as a blob for column <co>]]