Debugging License Problems
Virtuoso license problems are easy to debug. The following information provides a conceptual framework and troubleshooting tips suitable for all licensing problems.
===Identifying License Problems===
License problems occur when users attempt to apply them to products or when they hit a ceiling associated with concurrent usage. Most license errors are explicit and include text that states that a license is invalid, expired, or exceeded. Problems associated with performance or stability problems that do not produce license related errors are not likely to be caused by licenses. There is no scenario in which use of an evaluation key would contribute to limited functionality. OpenLink's products are fully functional regardless of the license key applied. The license key simply dictates the length of time for which a product may be used.
===Source of License Problems===
Licenses problems appear under the following circumstances:
* A license file is ftp'd in ASCII.
* The license covers a different OpenLink product.
* The license covers a different OpenLink release.
* A machine has more physical Processor cores than allotted for by the license.
* The license can not be found.
* The wrong license is being found.
* You did not perform the appropriate steps to register the license.
* The License Manager process needs to be restarted.
* The license is inadequate for your level of concurrent activity
===Troubleshooting License Problems===
Use the following tips to resolve your licensing tips or supply OpenLink Technical Services with your findings:
* FTP all licenses (virtuoso.lic) in binary mode.
* Review the terms of the email that contained the license.
* Ensure that the license that you have received is for Virtuoso Universal Server and not a data access provider or driver.
* Compare the Virtuoso version on your machine with the version covered by the license key.
* Identify the number of physical Processor cores on the box that hosts the license and ensure those cores are covered by the license key.
* Use OpenLink's licensing guidelines to ensure that the license is placed in the appropriate location on the target machine.
* Use the host machine's search utilities to ensure that expired or deprecated license files are removed from the host machine and deleted from the trash.
* Use OpenLink's licensing guidelines to ensure that you have performed the license application procedure using the correct steps in the appropriate order.
* Use the host monitoring utilities to ensure that applicable processes have been restarted as detailed in OpenLink's licensing guidelines.