The following Virtuoso procedure may be used to load the Geonames RDF dump, thus provided that the dump persists in its current format :
create procedure DB.DBA.import_geonames_dataset(in rdfdump_path varchar, in graph_uri varchar) { declare rdfdump_str, line, nb_processed, process_records, msg_str any; declare exit handler for sqlstate '2200*' { goto znext; }; rdfdump_str := file_to_string_output(rdfdump_path); nb_processed := 0; line := ses_read_line(rdfdump_str); -- URL line while(isstring(line)) { nb_processed := nb_processed + 1; if(mod(nb_processed, 1000) = 0) { result_names(line); result(line); } if(mod(nb_processed, 50000) = 0) { result_names(msg_str); msg_str := 'Checkpoint in progress...'; result(msg_str); exec('checkpoint'); msg_str := 'Checkpoint in finished'; result_names(msg_str); result(msg_str); } line := ses_read_line(rdfdump_str); -- RDF document line DB.DBA.RDF_LOAD_RDFXML(line, graph_uri, graph_uri); znext:; line := ses_read_line(rdfdump_str); -- skip: URL line } }; DB.DBA.import_geonames_dataset('/dbs/rdfdata/rdfdumps/geonames/all- geonames-rdf.txt', '');