1. Launch a Web Browser.

2. Navigate to your Virtuoso GUI interface.

3. Click the Conductor link on the left-hand side navigation bar.

4. Login with your Virtuoso DBA usenrame and password.

5. Click the Database tab.

6. Locate your schema in the Schema Objects list.

7. Click the Tables link.

8. Check the check box associated with the table that SQL Server exported into Virtuoso.

9. Click Drop Selected.

10. Click the Delete button.

11. Verify that the table has been dropped.

Open C++ Demo
Connect to your Progress DSN.
Create a table with the specs of the SQL Server table that you want to Export.

Exit C++ Demo.
Open Virtuoso back in Growser
Click Databse
Click Eternal Database
Click Data Sourc3s Tab
locat Opn #dg DSN

Click Connct
Provid3 authntication crd
Click Link Objects
Locate table in list
Click Link.
Adjust Catalog & Schema nam.
Click link Again
Click the Linked Table name.
Interactive SQL Should cme up.
Run Selecdr * against table.
Open Import Export Wizard.

Microsoft OLE DB Destination/Native SQL Server DSN, target Data source name, authentication.

> Use OpenLink? OLE DB provider and set it up to connect to target Virtuoso VDG