Configuring Multi-Tier ZeroConfig? DSNs by Editing the Rulebook

ZeroConf Support in the Request Broker is configured via the Rulebook, which (since Release 5.x) contains a section called [Zero Config]. This section contains a list of DSN

"Connect String" pairs. The DSN is the name that will be presented to clients; the Connect String is a string of connection attributes necessary for making a connection, as the example below shows:

[Zero Config]
ZJDBC3= "ServerType=JDBC13;Database=virtuoso.jdbc2.Driver;UID=dba"
ZSQL2K = "ServerType=SQLServer 2000;Database=pubs;UID=sa"
SQLServer 2000="Database=pubs;UID=sa"

The syntax is --

<Service_name>="Connect String"

-- or --

<Server Type>="Connect String"

In the second case, there is no Server Type defined within the connect string itself.

The Connect String must be enclosed in double-quotes.

The list of available attributes are:

ServerType [SVT] Specify agent domain. This is used by the broker to determine which agent section to connect the client request to using mapping rules.
ServerOptions Server startup options specific to agent/database.
Database [DATABASE] Database to use. Agent/database specific.
Options [OPTIONS] Database connect options. Agent/database specific.
UserName [UID] Username to connect as.
Password [PWD] Password for user.
ReadOnly [READONLY] Specify Y(es) for read-only (ro) or N(o) for read-write (rw) connections. Read only connections are sometimes faster, but can never modify any database.
FetchBufferSize [FBS] Number of rows (records) to be fetched per call from database agent. Values range from 1 to 99
Persist Controls whether the Zero Config DSN attributes should be persisted on the client. If set to Yes/Y/True/T, then they will persist. This may be deemed a security risk, so you may wish to set this to No/N/False/F, in which case they will be pulled from the Broker and used at connect time, not stored in the client.