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  • UdaWikiWeb.WhatDoesPrepareMethodDo(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 15:01:31 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 15:01:31

    What does Prepare Method (SPOption) do?

    This option is specific to the TDS-based Driver for Microsoft SQL Server & Sybase ASE/ASA. It determines whether the driver creates stored procedures on the server for SQLPrepare() calls.

    GUI Setting Options Setting Effect
    Full -O 2 Stored procedures are created for every call to SQLPrepare(). This can result in decreased performance when processing statements that do not contain parameters.
    None -O 0 Stored procedures are never created. The driver caches the statement, executes it directly at the time of SQLExecute(), and reports any syntax or similar errors at the time of SQLExecute().
    Partial -O 1 Default. Stored procedures are created if the statement contains parameters. Otherwise, the statement is cached by the driver and run directly at the time of SQLExecute().

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